Electrical Conductivity of a Superconductor

A model is proposed which describes the dc electrical conductivity of a superconductor both above and below the classical critical point. The approach is to include in the calculation of superfluid density and the electrical conductivity, the effect of the fourth-order term of the Ginzburg-Landau theory, which represents the interaction between superfluid excitations. The resulting expression for the conductivity simplifies to the Aslamazov-Larkin result above Tc and yields, for "two-dimensional" samples, an exponential dependence of the superfluid conductivity on ΔT (=TcT) below Tc. Calculated results for the one- and three-dimensional cases are also given. Experimental studies of the electrical conductivity of "two-dimensional" Al films were made to test the model. Good agreement was obtained in the region below Tc even when the sample resistance was followed over five decades and sample mean free paths were varied over two decades.