Impact of radioimmunoguided surgery®

Radioimmunoguided surgery (RIGS®) is a technique employed to locate tumor deposits with the aid of intravenously injected, tumor‐specific, radiolabeled monoclonal antibodies and a small gamma detecting device. The gamma detecting probe (GDP) is a small, portable unit which has the capacity to be used intraoperatively to survey the entire peritoneal surface for increased radioactivity indicative of targeted tumor tissue during abdominal exploration for colorectal cancer. Trials in humans have demonstrated the ability of this system to locate clinically nonpalpable tumor deposits in patients undergoing carcinoembryonic antigen second‐look laparotomies. This feature may be of value in improving the definition of tumor location and extent as well as allowing a more thorough resection of tumor‐bearing tissue to be performed and hopefully improving overall patient survival.