Use of methylphosphonic dichloride for the synthesis of oligonucleoside methylphosphonates

Methylphosphonic dichloride was used to prepare protected deoxyribo-nucleoside 3'-methylphosphonate β-cyanoethyl esters, d-[(MeO)2Tr]NpCNEt, and protected oligonucleoside methylphosphonates in solution. Reaction of d-[(MeO)2Tr]N with methyl phosphonic dichloride gives d-[(MeO)2Tr]NpCl. The phosphonylation and subsequent esterification or condensation reactions are each complete within 60 min. The products are readily purified by “flash chromatography” on silica gel columns. d-[(MeO)2Tr]NpCl, or Its tetrazole derivative, d-[(MeO)2Tr]Nptet, were tested as intermediates for the synthesis of oligothymidine methylphosphonates on a silica gel polymer support. The average yield per coupling step was 76% and did not Increase with addition of more d-[(MeO)2Tr]TpCl . The formation of (5'-5') linked thymidine dimers Indicated that the thymidine monomers are clustered closely together on the support. When N is ibuG, the yield for the coupling step on the support is very low. This may be due to steric hindrance of the 3'-phosphonate group by the N-2 isobutryl protecting group.