A freeze-fracture study of tight junctions in the pars convoluta and pars recta of the renal proximal tubule

The morphology of tight junctions of the renal proximal tubule was studied comparing the pars convoluta and pars recta of rat, golden hamster, rabbit, cat, dog and tupaia. Though some interspecies variations were observed, the convoluted portions of the proximal tubules revealed quite uniformly very leaky tight junctions with mainly 1–2 strands. Along the whole proximal tubule of the rabbit kidney including the pars recta only minor differences of the zonulae occludentes were found. By contrast, the tight junctions of the pars recta in other species were much more elaborate, especially in cat and tupaia, having up to 6 strands and an overall depth of more than 150 nm. The implications of these findings are discussed with special regard to the functional differences between the pars convoluta and pars recta of the proximal tubule.