Charge Exchange Cross Sections of Hydrogen Ions in Gases

Measurements are reported of the cross section for electron capture (σ10), electron loss (σ01), and electron detachment (σ10) for hydrogen atoms and ions traversing several gases. (σif represents the cross section for charge transfer from initial state i to final state f.) The kinetic energy of the particle was from 3 kev to 200 kev. The target gases used were H2, He, N2, O2, Ne, and A. Cross sections were determined by measuring the attenuation of the hydrogen beam in a gas cell under the influence of an electrostatic or magnetic field. The fraction of the beam in each charge state after passing through a "thick target" was also determined. This latter measurement served as a test for internal consistency of the data, since the fraction is relatable to the cross section for entry to and exit from the charge state. The loss cross section, σ01, increased monotonically at low energies, reaching a maximum at a velocity approximately equal to the orbital electron velocity. For the higher energies studied the capture cross section could be represented by an expression of the form, σ=Aebv, where A and b are constants for each gas studied. The electron attachment cross section, σ01, was of the order 1017 cm2/gas atom for the gases studied and attained a maximum between 5 and 20 kev. The inverse transition, σ10, was approximately 1015 cm2/gas atom in the energy range studied.

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