Specificity of P2 primary alkylsulphohydrolase induction in the detergent-degrading bacterium Pseudomonas C12B. Effects of alkanesulphonates, alkyl sulphates and other related compounds

Primary alkanesulphonates were shown to serve as non-metabolizable (gratuitous) inducers of the P2 primary alkylsulphohydrolase enzyme in resting cell suspensions of Pseudomonas C12B. The effects of increasing concentrations of inducer on the production of enzyme were complex and suggestive of a multiphasic phenomenon. However, it was possible to determine Kinducer constants (analogous to Km or Ki) for alkanesulphonates of chain length from C7 to c12. these decreased with increasing chain length in a manner characteristic of an homologous series. Primary alkyl sulphates also served as good inducers of alkylsulphohydrolase, but valid kinetic values could not be obtained because these esters are good substrates for the enzyme and are therefore appreciably hydrolysed during the induction period. Small amounts of enzyme were also produced when cyprinol sulphate, dodecyltriethoxy sulphate C12H23-[O-CH2-CH2]3-O-SO3-Na+), Crag herbicide and some secondary alkyl sulphates were tested as inducers.