Hydrogen isotope analysis of natural abundance and deuterium‐enriched waters by reduction over chromium on‐line to a dynamic dual inlet isotope‐ratio mass spectrometer

This paper describes the application of a simple chromium reduction furnace which can be interfaced with a dual inlet isotope-ratio mass spectrometer thus providing the capacity for cheap, fast, accurate and precise measurement of deltaD(V-SMOW) by dynamic mass spectrometry. Measurements are precise to the order of < or =0.5 per thousand. Mean 95% confidence intervals for the Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water (V-SMOW) to Standard Light Antarctic Precipitation (SLAP) range are in the order of 2.5 per thousand and the system is linear over the range -428 to 23,000 per thousand. Memory effects do exist, but are small for natural abundance samples and can be minimised by careful planning of the analytical load.