Hoffmann reflex from foreleg flexor nerves in cats: Lateralization, Picrotoxin, Strychnine, Crossed flexor reflex

Hoffmann (H) reflexes from foreleg flexor nerves were studied in cats. The right and left flexor nerves were stimulated and H reflexes were recorded from the same nerves. Paw preference was assessed by a food reaching test. Stimulation of the right median nerve elicited mono- and polysynaptic reflexes from the left ulnar nerve (crossed flexor nerve). Picrotoxin depressed, and strychnine increased H reflexes from both sides without affecting the spinal motor asymmetry. H reflexes were found to be larger on the left than the right side in right-preferent cats and vice versa in left-preferent cats. The right H-reflex recovery curve was higher than left in right-preferent cats. The inhibitory period of the recovery cycle disappeared after picrotoxin and changed to facilitation for the nonpreferred side. Strychinine caused bilateral, nearly-synchronous motoneuronal discharges from the right and left flexor nerves; the discharges originating from the left side preceded those from the right side in a right-preferent cat. These results indicate that spinal motor activity predominates on the nonpreferred side, which would be a prerequisite for postural adjustments during paw use in cats. This asymmetric motor organization in the forelegs of cats having quadrpedal locomotion seems to be similar to asymmetric motor organization in legs in humans.