The Compressibility of and an Equation of State for Gaseous Neopentane

The compressibility of gaseous neopentane (2–2‐dimethyl propane) has been measured from 160.60°, the critical temperature, to 275° over a density range from 1 to 7 mole per liter, the maximum pressure being about 300 atmos. The constants of the Beattie‐Bridgeman equation of state for the gas phase are R=0.08206, A0=23.3300, a=0.15174, B0=0.33560, b=0.13358, c=400×104 in units of normal atmos, liter per mole, °K(T°K=t°C+273.13), the molecular weight being taken as 72.0924 g per mole. The second virial coefficients were determined graphically at each temperature.

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