Results of Testicular Autotransplantation Using the Microvascular Technique: Experience with 8 Intra-Abdominal Testes

Children with intra-abdominal testes comprise a small group presenting for surgical management of the undescended testicle. During the last 4 years 6 children with 8 intra-abdominal testes have undergone testicular surgery. In 7 testicles the technique involved high intraperitoneal division of the testicular pedicle with reanastomosis of the distal spermatic artery and vein to the inferior epigastric artery and vein using the operating room microscope. Microsurgery on the 7 intra-abdominal testicles led to good results in 6 cases. In 1 testicle venous infarction occurred secondary to venous congestion. Although many children with intra-abdominal testes have been managed using the standard Stephens-Fowler technique, we believe that microsurgical reanastomosis will improve the previously reported results.