Dual variables for lattice gauge theories and the phase structure ofZ(N)systems

The 't Hooft disorder parameters are constructed within the framework of SU(N) lattice gauge theories in three or four dimensions. It is found that these operators arise naturally from a duality transformation which is similar to the standard transformation for Z(N) gauge theories. To illustrate the behavior of dual variables in a simpler context, we study the Villain form of the Z(N) gauge system in three and four dimensions. The techniques include duality, strong-coupling expansions, and the electrodynamic representation. In four dimensions it is found that for N>Nc4, the system possesses at least three phases: a strong-coupling phase with electric confinement, a weak-coupling phase with magnetic confinement, and an intermediate phase which resembles QED, with a massless photon and no confinement. We also study an SU(N)-Higgs system, which interpolates between the Z(N) and SU(N) systems.