The Teliospores ofPuccinia smyrnii(Uredinales)

The morphology of the teliospores of Puccinia smyrnii has been variously described as warted, or reticulate, or a combination of both patterns. Spores were examined by LM and SEM, and shown to be irregularly warted. The sequence of development of the spores was examined by TEM. Four phases of wall differentiation were recognised. The ornamentation results from a differential deposition of secondary wall components, which are concentrated into invaginations of the cytoplasm. The subsequent exsertion of these invaginations, and concomitant disappearance of the primary wall, reveal the irregular warts of the mature spore. This mode of ornament formation is compared with other rust spore forms, and contrasted with that already outlined for Puccinia chaerophylli, a truly reticulatespored Umbelliferous rust. Combined SEM and TEM observations suggest an explanation for the erroneous LM interpretations.