VII. On Fairy-rings

The circles of dark-green grass frequently observed in old pastures, and known to most persons by the name of Fairy-rings, although in themselves of no importance, yet seem to claim some attention, if weconsider the many ingenious attempts that have been made to explain their origin. On such a subject I shall be excused offering any examination of opinions previously formed by others, and shall therefore proceed briefly to relate such observations as I made, during a few years residence in the country, on the progressive changes of these circles, and which seem to me to lead to a clear and satisfactory conclusion. That which first attracted my notice, was the position of certain fungi which are always to be found growing upon these circles, if examined in a proper season. In the case of mushrooms, I found them to be solely at the exterior margin of the dark ring of grass. The breadth of the ring in that instance, measured from them toward the centre, was about twelve or fourteen inches, while the mushrooms themselves covered an exterior ring about four or five inches broad.

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