In theTransactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Vol. LIV, Part III, No. 11, 1926, the author published an account of the anatomy of the head of an African Elephant fœtus, 21 cms. in length. The present paper deals with the voluntary muscles (except those already described) of the same fœtus. The author intends to prepare later an account of the skeleton and internal organs, so that a complete description of the anatomy of this rare specimen will be available.The section which treats of the head will henceforward be referred to as Part I; the present paper, therefore, becomes Part II.The body muscles were investigated under the Zeiss Binocular Dissecting Microscope, and the work was facilitated by rapid staining with a weak solution of saffranin. Owing to long preservation, the muscles, nerves, and blood-vessels of the specimen were quite colourless. The saffranin gave a certain amount of differentiation which lasted for several hours, and the advantage of the method is that the colour disappears entirely when the specimen is put back into the store jar between one working period and the next.

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