Rapid intubation with fazadinium.

The speed of onset and intubation conditions have been compared for suxamethonium 1 mg/kg, alcuronium 0-32 mg/kg and fazadinium 1 mg/kg and 1-25 mg/kg. Fazadinium 1 mg/kg was not significantly different in times to intubation from suxamethonium although the latter gave a highly significant greater number of patients with excellent conditions. The higher dose of 1-25 mg/kg fazadinium did not give significantly better intubating conditions than the lower dose. Although the times to intubation for the two dose levels of fazadinium did not differ statistically, the higher dose was significantly slower in onset than suxamethonium. Alcuronium was slower than either suxamethonium or fazadinium 1 mg/kg in producing satisfactory conditions. The nondepolarizing drug, fazadinium, may be a useful neuromuscular blocking agent in emergency cases where rapid intubation is required and when it is wished to avoid possible or probable adverse effects from the depolarising drug suxamethonium.