The use of a temperature-profiled position transducer for the study of low-temperature growth in Gramineae

A device is described for measuring linear extension of grass leaves during controlled cooling and heating of the growing region. The instrument was employed to investigate the sensitivity to temperature of the expanding third and fourth leaves of Lolium temulentum L. seedlings. Using a stepped temperature profile it was established that there was no lag in the response of growth rate to rapid changes in temperature below 16°C. If cooling was continued to the point where growth ceased (1°C) but no further, then rates of growth on rewarming were enhanced over the chilling range and reverted to the original rate at 20°C. Cooling to successively lower subzero temperatures before rewarming abolished the hysteretic enhancement, progressively raised the temperature at which growth resumed and decreased the rate of extension until, at-5.3°C, no recovery occurred. The temperature sensitivity of growth, measured as Q10, was essentially constant when cooling from 20°C to 5°C, with 5°C-grown leaf tissue exhibiting a higher mean Q10 than tissue developed at 20°C. The possible physiological significance of these data is discussed.