Meconium ileus and its association with pancreatic cystic fibrosis was first described in 1905. A review of the literature indicates there are now four reported survivors among persons with this disease.1Prior to 1948, the disease was uniformly fatal. To the present list of four survivors, I would like to add a fifth whose case has been managed successfully to date. Landsteiner,1ain reporting the first case, suggested that the abnormal meconium was the primary factor in the disease and that the changes in the pancreas were the result of the intestinal obstruction. It is now believed that he had mistaken the cause for the effect. Sidney Farber,2as the result of an extensive study, concluded that the changes in the pancreas were primary and that the abnormal meconium was the result of a lack of digestion of meconium by pancreatic secretions. Farber3reproduced fibrocystic disease