Triple Arthrodesis for Diabetic Peritalar Neuroarthropathy

From 1963 to 1990, the senior authors (R.E.M. and K.G.H.) performed eight triple arthrodeses in seven patients with diabetes mellitus with sensory loss in the lower extremities. By clinical and roentgenographic examination, all patients were diagnosed with peritalar neuroarthropathy before surgery. All patients underwent a two-incision triple arthrodesis with internal fixation. Patient follow-up averaged 44 months and included repeat physical examinations and radiographs. All patients went on to clinical union and were satisfied with the procedure. One patient had prolonged wound drainage that resolved with antibiotic therapy; another had a residual rocker-bottom deformity and plantar ulceration that resolved after modification of custom shoe wear. We believe comprehensive management of diabetic peritalar neuroarthropathy can include surgical arthrodesis of the involved joints. The disease process and surgical indications are discussed.