Neutrino-oscillation search with cosmic-ray neutrinos

A sensitive search for neutrino oscillations involving νe, νμ, and ντ may be provided by measurements of the ratio of the total interaction rates of upward- and downward-going cosmic-ray neutrinos within a massive (∼10 kton) detector. Assuming mixing between all pairs of νe, νμ, and ντ, the experiment is capable of observing time-averaged probabilities Peτt and Pμτt of magnitude set by mixing strengths corresponding to, e.g., the d- to s-quark mixing strength, and of reaching the limit Δmij2|mi2mj2|104 eV2, where mi, and mj are neutrino mass eigenstates, and Peτ and Pμτ are the probabilities for νe and νμ, respectively, to oscillate into ντ after traversing a distance L diameter of the Earth. Possible ambiguities may be resolved through comparison of the ratios NeNμ for the upward- and downward-going neutrinos.