Self-consistent meson mass spectrum

A dual-topological-unitarization (or dual-fragmentation) approach to the calculation of hadron masses is presented, in which the effect of planar "sea"-quark loops is taken into account from the beginning. Using techniques based on analyticity and generalized ladder-graph dynamics, we first derive the approximate "generic" Regge-trajectory formula α(t)=max(S1+S2, S3+S4)12+2α^[sa+12(tΣmi2)] for any given hadronic process 1+2→3+4, where Si and mi are the spins and masses of i=1, 2, 3, 4, and sa is the effective mass of the lowest nonvanishing contribution (a) exchanged in the crossed channel. By requiring a minimization of secondary (background, etc.) contributions to a, and demanding simultaneous consistency for entire sets of such processes, we are then able to calculate the masses of all the lowest pseudoscalar and vector qq¯ states with q=u, d, s, and the Regge trajectories on which they lie. By making certain additional assumptions we are also able to do this with q=u, d, c and q=u, d, b. Our only arbitrary parameters are mρ, mK*, mψ, and mϒ, one of which merely serves to fix the energy scale. In contrast to many other approaches, a small mπ2mρ2 ratio arises quite naturally in the present scheme.