Relationship between growth rate and undercooling in Pt-added Y1Ba2Cu3O7−x

Y1Ba2Cu307−x (Y123) crystals were grown by two different methods, the constant undercooling solidification and the continual cooling method, with top seeding by Sm123 seed crystals in order to investigate a relationship between undercooling (ΔT) and a growth rate (R). The crystals of Y123 with a sharp faceted interface, which consisted of {100} and {001} faces, grew epitaxially from the seed. It was found that the growth rates of {100} face (Ra) and that of {001} face (Rc) showed an increasing trend with increasing ΔT, and Rc was faster than Ra within these experimental conditions, ΔT < 20 K. The relation between R and ΔT follows the parabolic equation, viz. RaΔT1.9 and Rc ∝ ΔT1.3 for {100} and {001} faces, respectively. The simulated crystal size using the R and ΔT relations obtained from the constant undercooling method showed good agreement with experimental data by the continual cooling.