The atomic-beam laser-rf double-resonance method has been used to measure the hyperfine structure (hfs) of the J=2–8 levels of the F11 term of 4f75d26s in 155,157Gd. Results are also reported for the J=2,5 levels of the D7 term of 4f75d6s2. Less precise hfs results are given for ten highly excited even-parity levels, and isotope shifts are given for 16 optical lines. L-S limit effective-operator expressions are given for the hfs A and B values of arbitrary states built from three open electron shells. When specialized to the F11 term in Gd i, these expressions reveal a marked perturbation between the J=5 levels of 4f75d26s F11 and 4f75d6s2 D7. The perturbation can also be detected from the fine-structure intervals.