Summary: During Mesozoic time the Ionian trough in Greece shows a relatively complex and distinctive geodynamic evolution compared to the adjacent platforms. A similar evolution is found in several series of the Western Taurides in Turkey. The existence of a Mesozoic intra-Tauric trough (previously named ‘Kizilca-Çorak göl trough’), is established and interpreted as an homologue of the Ionian trough. This situation, external with respect to the Helleno-Tauric belt, is used as a basis for a reconstruction of the general evolution of the eastern part of the Aegean ‘curvature’ that seems to have been initiated during the mid-Miocene (after Langhian but prior to Tortonian). The recent (neotectonic) evolution of the arc started after the Tortonian, possibly as late as the Lower Pliocene.