The extension of the Ionian trough into southwestern Turkey
- 1 January 1984
- journal article
- Published by Geological Society of London in Geological Society, London, Special Publications
- Vol. 17 (1) , 241-249
Summary: During Mesozoic time the Ionian trough in Greece shows a relatively complex and distinctive geodynamic evolution compared to the adjacent platforms. A similar evolution is found in several series of the Western Taurides in Turkey. The existence of a Mesozoic intra-Tauric trough (previously named ‘Kizilca-Çorak göl trough’), is established and interpreted as an homologue of the Ionian trough. This situation, external with respect to the Helleno-Tauric belt, is used as a basis for a reconstruction of the general evolution of the eastern part of the Aegean ‘curvature’ that seems to have been initiated during the mid-Miocene (after Langhian but prior to Tortonian). The recent (neotectonic) evolution of the arc started after the Tortonian, possibly as late as the Lower Pliocene.This publication has 19 references indexed in Scilit:
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