Differential distribution of NCX1 contributes to spine–dendrite compartmentalization in CA1 pyramidal cells

Compartmentalization of Ca2+ between dendritic spines and shafts is governed by diffusion barriers and a range of Ca2+ extrusion mechanisms. The distinct contribution of different Ca2+ clearance systems to Ca2+ compartmentalization in dendritic spines versus shafts remains elusive. We applied a combination of ultrastructural and functional imaging methods to assess the subcellular distribution and role of NCX1 in rat CA1 pyramidal cells. Quantitative electron microscopic analysis of preembedding immunogold reactions revealed uniform densities of NCX1 along the shafts of apical and basal dendrites, but densities in dendritic shafts were approximately seven times higher than in dendritic spines. In line with these results, two-photon imaging of synaptically activated Ca2+ transients during NCX blockade showed preferential action localized to the dendritic shafts for NCXs in regulating spine–dendrite coupling.