Baclofen antagonises intravenous self-administration of γ-hydroxybutyric acid in mice

Gamma -Hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) is a widely used recreational drug known to exert positive reinforcing effects in animals and humans. The GABAB receptor agonist baclofen has been proved to possess antimotivational effect and to inhibit alcohol, cocaine, heroin and nicotine intake. In the present study we evaluated the effect of baclofen on i.v, self-administration of GHB in drug-naive mice under a fixed-ratio (FR-I) schedule of reinforcement and nose-poking-like response as operandum. Results show that baclofen was able to completely prevent GHB seeking behaviour, decreasing the rate of responding to basal values, without showing any reinforcing properties when made contingent on nose-poking response. Our findings demonstrate that baclofen antagonises GHB i.v. self-administration, supporting an important role for the GABAB receptor in reward-related mechanisms underlying addictive behaviour. NeuroReport 12:2243-2246 (C) 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins