The differential angular distribution of prompt γ rays from spontaneous fission of Cf252 has been measured. The source was on a thick backing, and the measurements have been performed in forward and backward geometries. An NaI(Tl) crystal was used as a γ-ray detector, and the prompt neutrons from fission were rejected by time of flight. The total number of γ rays emitted within 12 ns after fission with energies greater than 0.114 MeV is 9.7 ± 0.4 per fission, and the total γ-ray energy released is (7.0±0.3) MeV per fission. Results from earlier experiments that more γ rays are emitted from the light than from the heavy fragment group, are substantiated. The anisotropy A=I(0°)I(90°)1 is small and even negative at low energies, reaches a maximum of about 25% at energies of about 0.50-0.65 MeV, and gets gradually smaller at higher energies. No significant difference in the anisotropy as measured with a nonmagnetic (Pt) and a magnetic (Ni) backing has been found. With the assumption that the angular momentum is aligned in a plane perpendicular to the direction of fission, the results can be consistently described within the statistical model in terms of pure dipole and quadrupole radiation with allowance for stretched E2 cascades from even-even fragments. It is concluded that the root mean square value of the primary angular momentum of the fragments is Jrms=(6.5±1.0), the average angular momentum is decreasing 1.0 per γ ray emitted, and the value of the spin cutoff parameter during γ-ray deexcitation of the fragments is σ=2.40.5+0.8. The dipole and the quadrupole components are about equally strong at high γ-ray energies, the dipole component predominates at low energies, and the quadrupole component at intermediate energies. Statistical dipole and quadrupole transitions (stretched for the last ones) account for 38% and 50% of the γ rays, respectively, and stretched E2 transitions in cascades from even-even fragments account for the remaining 12% of the γ rays. The quadrupole radiation can be assumed to be E2, and the dipole radiation M1 at low energies and E1 at high energies. While the components of the stretched E2 cascades with energies smaller than 0.6 MeV can be accounted for by the transitions in the ground-state rotational bands of even-even fragments, it is indicated that a large part of the components in the energy range 0.6-0.9 MeV can be associated with vibrational transitions in even-even fragments.