Paranasal Sinus Development in Chronic Sinusitis, Cystic Fibrosis, and Normal Comparison Population: A Computerized Tomography Correlation Study

Chronic sinus disease in patients with and without cystic fibrosis may have an impact on the pattern of paranasal sinus pneumatization. Arrest of pneumatization has been reported in both of these conditions. To assess the development of the paranasal sinuses in relationship to chronic sinusitis and cystic fibrosis (CF), a retrospective review of coronal CT scans of the age-matched patients with no previous sinus disease, patients with chronic sinusitis, and cystic fibrosis patients was conducted. The patients’ ages ranged from 4 to 17 years. The maxillary sinus volume, anteroposterior diameter, and greatest transverse diameter and height were determined using image analysis software after the coronal CT scans were scanned into Macintosh computer. The size of the maxillary sinus increased with advancing age in the control and chronic sinusitis group, but not in the patients with cystic fibrosis. The patients with cystic fibrosis had a statistically significant smaller maxillary sinus size. Approximately 50% of the patients with chronic sinusitis had anatomic anomalies, the most common being paradoxical middle turbinates. The CT scans of CF patients were characterized by uncinate process demineralization and medial displacement of the lateral nasal wall in the middle meatus, and decreased maxillary sinus pneumatization.