Hartree-Fock+BCS calculations of 15 even nuclei within and around the actinide region have been performed with the Skyrme SIII effective force. A careful optimization of the two parameters of the truncated expansion basis has been made for each nucleus. The iterative process has been carried out as far as to yield an excellent numerical convergence of quadrupole Q2 and hexadecapole Q4 moments (better than 0.1% for Q2 and 1% for Q4).Total binding energies have been reproduced up to ∼2 MeV. Charge radii have been found in agreement with experimental data to ∼1%, whereas the error on Q2 and Q4 moments (for A240) were less than 5% and 25%, respectively. Single particle Hartree-Fock energy spectra are discussed and will be compared with experimental data in a subsequent paper. Finally, the deformation energy curves of two nuclei (Th232 and Pu240) are displayed.