Left atrial volume determination by echocardiography

To validate echocardiographic left atrial volume measurements, 25 patients with mitral stenosis were studied before and after mitral balloon valvuloplasty. Seven normals served as controls. The modified Simpson's rule was used for echocardiographic and angiographic left atrial volume determination from two orthogonal planes. Left atrial antero-posterior diameter was measured from parasternal long axis view and supero-inferior and medio-lateral diameters from apical four-chamber view. Transthoracic echocardiographic left atrial volume correlated well, but systematically underestimated angiographic left atrial volume (y=0.4x+27, r=0.92). Monoplane transesophageal echocardiography did not improve correlation, nor the underestimation. Out of the several left atrial diameters, antero-posterior dimension showed the closest correlation with angiographic volume (r=0.91), which persisted after exclusion of patients with atria >400 ml (r=0.84). Futhermore, relative changes of antero-posterior diameter after mitral valvuloplasty were closely related to the relative changes observed in left atrial volume (r=0.82). Our results suggest that, in spite of a consistent underestimation, bidimensional, transthoracic echocardiographic and angiographic left atrial assessment correlate closely. Moreover, it is suggested that the mere antero-posterior diameter from transthoracic two-dimensional image is sufficient in clinical practice for routine follow-op of left atrial volume.