Pilot study on health effects of environmental 2,3,7,8‐tcdd in missouri

Waste oil contaminated with 2,3,7,8-TCDD was sprayed at various sites in the state of Missouri. Eighty-two individuals who reported living or working in TCDD-contaminated areas and 40 individuals with little or no exposure to TCDD were selected for study; 85% elected to participate in the study. Data were obtained from medical histories, general physicals, neurological and dermatological examinations, and laboratory tests. There were no cases of chloracne reported. The only hematologic comparison that was significant was a higher mean platelet count in the exposed group. This study did not produce any firm indication of increased disease prevalence related to environmental TCDD exposures. Since this was a pilot study, it is important that we continue to limit human exposure to dioxin to the lowest levels technologically feasible until definitive answers to the health consequences of exposure are determined.