Quadrupole moment of the8isomer inSb112

The quadrupole interaction of the 8 isomeric state (T12=536 ns) in Sb112 has been measured using the time differential perturbed angular distribution method. The linear momentum transfer from the Rh103(C12, 3n) reaction recoiled the isomeric nuclei into single crystals of Sb and Sn and a polycrystalline In foil. From the quadrupole coupling constant for the 8 state of Sb112 in Sb, the quadrupole moment was obtained relative to the moment of the stable ground state of Sb121: |Q(Sb112, 8)Q(Sb121, 52+)|=1.958(10). The value is in accordance with the description of the isomer as an odd proton coupled to a neutron-excited Sn core. In addition, the measured coupling constants in Sn and In allow the determination of the quadrupole moments of isomers in Sb120,122 and Sb115.