Comparison of stride characteristics in a cantering horse on a flat and inclined treadmill

The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was any difference in the stride characteristics between cantering on a flat or inclined treadmill. Five 2-year-old Thoroughbred horses were cantered on a treadmill at 3 different velocities and at 3 different slopes. The sequence of speeds at each slope was chosen at random and 16 mm cinefilms at 300 frames/s were taken from a lateral view at a distance of 15 m from the treadmill to record the linear and temporal data. On the slope, stride length, stride duration, stance duration and swing duration did not change. However, midstep length increased significantly and the airborne step length decreased significantly as slope increased from a 3% slope to a 8% slope at 12 m/s. The airborne duration increased significantly from a 0% slope to a 3% slope, and inversely decreased significantly from a 3% slope to a 8% slope. The advanced placement (AP) between trailing hindlimb and leading hindlimb (APTH-LH) and between trailing forelimb and leading forelimb (APTF-LF) and the overlap between LH and TF (LH-TF) tended to decrease and the AP between LH and TF (APLH-TF) and the overlap between TH and LH (TH-LH) inversely tended to increase as the slope increased, though these tendencies were not significant. These findings indicated that in slope locomotion, the stride length might be maintained by sacrificing the length of the airborne period as the workload became more intense.