If a spinal root of a baboon or rhesus monkey is trapped in an initially loose-fitting silicone rubber channel containing two or more platinum electrodes, electrical pulses sent through these electrodes can stimulate nerve fibres close to the cathode and block the resulting impulses close to the anode. We show (1) how anodal break excitation and excitation of fibres outside the silicone rubber channel can be avoided; (2) that an implant 26 months old behaves like a recent one; (3) that in a root containing somatic motor fibres and parasympathetic fibres, all somatic motor fibres can be blocked and most or all parasympathetic fibres excited but not blocked; (4) that provided that the electrodes pass no net direct current, prolonged stimulation with block can be harmless; (5) how block can be achieved in one direction only along a root; (6) that a peripheral nerve can be blocked by the same techniques.