Reproductive aging and mating: The ticking of the biological clock in female cockroaches

Females are expected to have different mating preferences because of the variation in costs and benefits of mate choice both between females and within individual females over a lifetime. Workers have begun to look for, and find, the expected variation among females in expressed mating preferences. However, variation within females caused by changes in intrinsic influences has not been examined in detail. Here we show that reproductive aging caused by delayed mating resulted in reduced choosiness by female Nauphoeta cinerea , a cockroach that has reproductive cycles and gives live birth. Male willingness to mate was unaffected by variation in female age. Females who were beyond the optimal mating age, 6 days postadult molt, required considerably less courtship than their younger counterparts. Females who were older when they mated had fewer offspring per clutch and fewer clutches than females who mated young. Thus, reduced choosiness was correlated with a permanent reduction in fertility. There was no difference in overall senescence among females, and thus the reduction in clutch size did not result in the expected increased lifespan. We suggest that reproductive aging in N. cinerea , similar to aging in general, occurs because the maintenance of oocytes is costly, and selection is relaxed after the optimal mating period. Our results further suggest that selection for continued choosiness is also relaxed and supports direct selection on female choosiness and a cost to choosiness.