The Cotton ACTIN1 Gene Is Functionally Expressed in Fibers and Participates in Fiber Elongation

Single-celled cotton fiber (Gossypium hirsutum) provides a unique experimental system to study cell elongation. To investigate the role of the actin cytoskeleton during fiber development, 15 G. hirsutum ACTIN (GhACT) cDNA clones were characterized. RNA gel blot and real-time RT-PCR analysis revealed that GhACT genes are differentially expressed in different tissues and can be classified into four groups. One group, represented by GhACT1, is expressed predominantly in fiber cells and was studied in detail. A 0.8-kb GhACT1 promoter sufficient to confirm its fiber-specific expression was identified. RNA interference of GhACT1 caused significant reduction of its mRNA and protein levels and disrupted the actin cytoskeleton network in fibers. No defined actin network was observed in these fibers and, consequently, fiber elongation was inhibited. Our results suggested that GhACT1 plays an important role in fiber elongation but not fiber initiation.