Estimates of auditory temporal resolution were obtained from normal chinchillas using sinusoidally amplitude modulated noise. Afterwards, the animals were exposed to noise whose bandwidth was progressively increased toward the low frequencies in octave steps. The first exposure was to an octave band of noise centered at 8 kHz. Three additional octave bands of noise were subsequently added to the original exposure in order to progressively increase the extent of the high‐frequency hearing loss. The first exposure produced a temporary hearing loss of 50 to 60 dB near 8 kHz and elevated the amplitude modulation thresholds primarily at intermediate (128 Hz) modulation frequencies. Successive noise exposures extended the temporary hearing loss toward lower frequencies, but there was little further deterioration in the amplitude modulation function until the last exposure when the hearing loss spread to 1 kHz. The degradation in the amplitude modulation function observed after the last exposure, however, was due to a reduction in the sensation level of the test signal rather than to a decrease in the hearing bandwidth. The results of this study suggest that the high‐frequency regions of the cochlea may be important for temporal resolution.