Cosmological parameter estimation and the spectral index from inflation

  • 2 December 1997
Accurate estimation of cosmological parameters from microwave background anisotropies requires high-accuracy understanding of the cosmological model. Normally, a power-law spectrum of density perturbations is assumed, in which case the spectral index $n$ can be measured to around $\pm 0.004$ using microwave anisotropy satellites such as MAP and Planck. However, inflationary models generically predict that the spectral index $n$ of the density perturbation spectrum will be scale-dependent. We carry out a detailed investigation of the measurability of this scale dependence by Planck, including the influence of polarization on the parameter estimation. We include an estimate of the increase in the uncertainty in all other parameters if the scale dependence has to be included. The expected uncertainty on $n$ is increased by a factor of ten; note that this applies even if the scale dependence is too small to be measured, unless it is assumed absent. Other parameters are much more mildly affected. We study the implications for inflation models, beginning with a brief examination of the generic slow-roll inflation situation, and then move to a detailed examination of a recently-devised hybrid inflation model for which the scale dependence of $n$ may be observable.

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