Regional chemotherapy via the pulmonary artery for pulmonary metastases

Regional chemotherapy with Adriamycin via the pulmonary artery produces significantly higher tissue levels in the infused canine lobe than systemic administration. Seven patients with soft tissue sarcomas who had received the maximum dose of Adriamycin and had shown metastatic tumor recurrence to the lungs, received small doses of 10 to 20 mg of Adriamycin in the lobar arteries supplying areas with tumor via a Swan‐Ganz catheter, temporarily occluding with its inflated balloon the infused artery. One partial objective regression was noted. A total of 56 injections of Adriamycin was given through individual lobar arteries in the seven patients. This preliminary experience indicates the feasibility and relative safety of the use of the pulmonary artery for regional chemotherapy of pulmonary malignant tumors and suggests fuflher cautious exploration of this method.