Muir-Torre syndrome in several members of a family with a variant of the Cancer Family Syndrome

Distinguishing cutaneous signs which are associated with hereditary cancer‐prone syndromes are known as cancer‐associated genodermatoses. Muir‐Torre syndrome (M‐T) is characterized by the occurrence of sebaceous hyperplasia, adenoma and carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma with sebaceous differentiation, and/or keratoacanthoma in association with visceral cancer (often multiple), and improved survival. Family studies of M‐T have been either wholly lacking or too incomplete to elucidate hereditary aetiology. We describe the cutaneous phenotype of M‐T in an extended kindred with a possible variant of the Cancer Family Syndrome. We emphasize the need for more thorough documentation of family histories and cancer association in this cancer‐associated genodermatosis in order to clarify hereditary syndrome identification, and to improve cancer control through employment of cutaneous signs as a beacon for highly targeted forms of visceral cancer.