Decay properties of the neutron-rich isotopes,Li11andNa2731

Using an on-line mass spectrometer the decay properties of the Tz52 nuclei Li11, Na2731, Mg29,30 were studied. The new isotope Mg30 (T12=1200±500 msec) identified by β counting. For the other isotopes the half-lives were remeasured by three independent methods with improved precision. By recording β-coincident γ spectra, the decays of Na2729 were studied, leading to a 1+ assignment for the Na28 ground state. By simultaneous β and neutron multiscaling the delayed neutron emission probabilities Pn were determined for Li11 and Na2731. The following half-lives (msec) and Pn values (%) were found (errors see text): Li11 (8.5/60.8), Na27 (304/0.08), Na28 (30.5/0.58), Na29 (42.9/15.1), Na30 (53.0/33.1), Na31 (16.9/30).