Comparison of glucosuria in the first- and second-voided specimens and the time of day as tested by four commercial testing products

The questions addressed in this study were whether testing first‐ and second‐voided urine specimens yielded different results and whether selected commercial testing products (Clinitest 2 drop, Clinitest 5 drop, Tes‐Tape, and Keto‐Diastix) yielded similar estimates of glucosuria. Twenty adult diabetics experiencing glucosuria served as subjects. First‐ and second‐voided specimens were collected before meals and before retiring. Data were analyzed using a three‐way ANOVA with repeated measures on all factors. The findings indicated significant main effects for product type, F (3,57) = 7.61, p = .0004, and time of day, F (3,57) = 8.60, p = .0002. The main effect for first‐ and second‐voided specimens did not approach significance.