Alkaline and Acid Phosphatase Demonstration in Human Bone and Cartilage: Effects of Fixation Interval and Methacrylate Embedments

Human bone and cartilage specimens were evaluated for acid and alkaline phosphatase localization following varying fixation periods for fresh or frozen tissue. Formalin fixations of up to 183 hr were followed by embedment in methyl methacrylate; frozen tissue was examined either without fixation or following fixation for up to 1 hr and subsequent glycol or methyl methacrylate embedding. The humeral epiphysis of a young patient with osteogenic sarcoma showed optimum acid and alkaline phosphatase localization following fixation for periods up to 15 hr and embedding in methyl methacrylate. Frozen costochondral junction from a newborn with osteogenesis imperfecta type II showed optimum acid and alkaline phosphatase localization following 30 min fixation in formalin and embedding in methyl methacrylate or after 5 min fixation and embedding in glycol methacrylate.