The influence of biaxial stress on the optical properties of thin GaN films is studied by x‐ray diffraction and Raman and photoluminescence spectroscopy. The stress is caused by differences in the thermal expansion coefficient and lattice mismatch between the film and c‐plane sapphire substrates. In particular, the influence of various thicknesses of AlN buffer layers on the strain in GaN films is studied. GaN/AlN films were deposited by low pressure metal organic chemical vapor deposition using triethylgallium and tritertbutylaluminum and ammonia. We observe a pronounced reduction of strain in the GaN films with increasing buffer thickness: An AlN buffer layer thicker than 200 nm eliminates the stress completely. Estimates of the linear coefficient for the near band gap luminescence shift due to biaxial compressive strain yield a value of 24 meV/GPa.