Assessment of local isotropy using measurements in a turbulent plane jet

Following a review of the difficulties associated with the measurement and interpretation of statistics of the small-scale motion, the evidence for and against local isotropy is assessed in the light of measurements in a turbulent plane jet at moderate values of the Reynolds and Péclet numbers. These measurements include spatial derivatives with respect to different spatial directions of the longitudinal velocity fluctuation and of the temperature fluctuation. Relations between mean-square values of these derivatives suggest strong departures from local isotropy for both velocity and temperature. In contrast, the locally isotropic forms of the vorticity and temperature dissipation budgets are approximately satisfied. Possible contamination of the fine-scale measurements by the anisotropic large-scale motion is assessed in the context of the measured structure functions of temperature and of the measured skewness of the streamwise derivative of temperature. Structure functions are, within the framework of local isotropy, consistent with the average frequency and amplitude of temperature signatures that characterize the quasi-organized large-scale motion. Conditional averages associated with this motion account, in an approximate way, for the skewness of the temperature derivative but make negligible contributions to the skewness of velocity derivatives. The degree of spatial organization of the fine structure is inferred from conditional statistics of temperature derivatives.