Microscopic approach to collective motion

An overview of a microscopic framework based on the Hartree-Fock description of the mean field is presented which, starting from an effective interaction allows a description of collective motions. A study of the isotope shifts in the Pb region illustrates the importance of the effective interactions and points to their limitations. Such forces should be improved in order to achieve a better description of nuclei properties especially with the coming availability of exotic beam facilities. The coupling of collective quadrupole and octupole degrees of freedom in $^{194}$Pb is analyzed within the Generator Coordinate Method, which represents a step beyond the simple mean-field approximation. As a last example, we present a study of nuclear rotations. First we discuss results on superdeformed rotating bands in $^{192}$Hg, $^{194}$Hg and $^{194}$Pb obtained without including a treatment of pairing correlations. Preliminary calculations are also presented with these correlations included as well as an approximate projection on nucleon number. Email contact: paul@amoco.saclay.cea.fr

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