Infective Endocarditis of a Native Valve Due to Acinetobacter : Case Report and Review

A case of community-acquired infective endocarditis of a native valve that was caused by Acinetobacter calcoaceticus subspecies anitratus is presented. The previously reported cases are reviewed, and therapy for this disorder is discussed. The presence of a transient maculopapular rash involving the palms and soles but sparing the face is suggested as a possible early clinical clue to the diagnosis. Native valve endocarditis caused by Acinetobacter species is an acute, aggressive illness that is more likely to be fatal than the prosthetic valve form; of the previously described patients, five of 15 with native valve endocarditis and one of six with prosthetic valve endocarditis died. In the appropriate clinical setting, we recommend therapy with an antimicrobial agent known to be active against Acinetobacter organisms when blood cultures are reported to yield oxidase-negative, gram-negative coccobacilli until the final identification of the microorganism is known.

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