High-beta operation and magnetohydrodynamic activity on the TFTR tokamak

Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) activity within three zones (core, half‐radius, and edge) of TFTR [Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research 1986 (IAEA, Vienna, 1987), Vol. 1, p. 51] tokamak plasmas are discussed. Near the core of the plasma column, sawteeth are often observed. Two types of sawteeth are studied in detail; one with complete, and the other with incomplete, magnetic reconnection. Their characteristics are determined by the shape of the q profile. Near the half‐radius the m/n=3/2 and 2/1 resistive ballooning modes are found to correlate with a beta collapse. The pressure and the pressure gradient at the mode rational surface are found to play an important role in stability. MHD activity is also studied at the plasma edge during limiter H modes. The edge localized modes (ELM’s) are found to have a precursor mode with a frequency between 50–200 kHz and a mode number m/n=1/0. The mode does not show a ballooning structure. While these instabilities have been studied on many other machines, on TFTR the studies have been extended to high pressure (plasma pressure greater than 4×105 Pa) and low collisionality [vi*(a/2)ve*(a/2)<0.01].