The use of the avidin-biotin technique in immunoperoxidase staining provides a simple and highly sensitive method for detecting the localization of antigens defined by monoclonal antibodies. However, endogenous biotin, which is widely distributed in tissues, often causes nonspecific staining by binding to avidin [endogenous avidin-binding activity (EABA)]. Endogenous peroxidase activity (EPA) also makes the estimation of specific staining difficult. In the present study, several methods for the inhibition of EABA and/or EPA were examined using the avidinbiotin technique and monoclonal antibodies against murine Mac-1 and Ia antigen. Of these, the overnight incubation of sections in 40% methanol in phosphate-buffered saline containing 0.3% hydrogen peroxide gave the best result, as it inhibited EABA and EPA simultaneously without denaturating of the antigenic determinants recognized by the monoclonal antibodies.