Ontogenetic Variation in the Multiple Hemoglobins of Arctic Charr, Salvelinus alpinus

Changes during development in the multiple hemoglobins of hatchery-reared Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus, that originated from an anadromous stock from Nauyuk Lake, Northwest Territories were examined by starch gel electrophoresis. A total of 10 anodic and 7 cathodic hemoglobins were expressed during the life cycle of the charr. Embryos and newly-hatched alevins exhibited 10 anodic and 3 cathodic components. Of these embryonic hemoglobins, 5 anodic components and possibly 1 cathodic component with similar electrophoretic mobility were observed in older fish. In free-swimming fry 3–4 new cathodic components were expressed. Two phenotypes (designated as 3-C or 5-C) were identified in postembryonic charr, distinguished by the presence of either 3 or 5 cathodic hemoglobins, respectively. In both phenotypes the proportion of cathodic hemoglobins increased progressively with age to a maximum of 22 and 18% of total hemoglobin in the 3-C and 5-C phenotypes, respectively.