Effect of a Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Risk Reduction Education Program on Risk Factor Compliance and Information Sources in Primarily Black Urban Communities

Background. In the US, a higher incidence of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and a slower decline in the incidence of SIDS has been found among blacks when compared with white infants. The continued racial disparity in SIDS is thought to be attributable to lack of compliance with SIDS risk reduction recommendations. Objectives. To better understand the disparities in SIDS risk reduction behaviors, we sought to study compliance and information sources related to SIDS among primarily black communities in a city with a high SIDS incidence rate before and after a targeted educational campaign. Design. Pre- and post-SIDS Risk Reduction Education Program telephone surveys were performed in targeted Chicago communities with at least 86% blacks. Data collection for Survey 1 was from September 22 to November 4, 1999. Data collection for Survey 2 was from November 17, 2001, to January 12, 2002, 24 months after the aggressive implementation of a comprehensive, ethnically sensitive risk reduction program. Results. Survey 1 analyzed data from 480 mothers with an infant Conclusions. The Surveys indicate the greatest impact of the SIDS risk factor educational initiative targeted at black communities was changing behaviors regarding safe sleep locations by reducing the incidence of infants placed for nighttime and daytime sleep in adult beds, sofas, or cots. Although these data indicate considerable progress as a result of the targeted educational initiative, our findings suggest that cultural explanations for specific infant care practices must be more clearly understood to close the gap between SIDS risk factor compliance and apparent knowledge about SIDS risk factors.